Still Crazy After
All These Years
19 December 2024

Binary stars are common throughout the galaxy. Roughly half the stars in the Milky Way are part of a binary or multiple system, so we would expect to find them almost everywhere. However, one place we wouldn’t expect to find a binary is at the center of the galaxy, close to the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*. And yet, that is precisely where astronomers have recently found one.1
There are several stars near Sagittarius A*. For decades, we have watched as they orbit the great gravitational well. The motion of those stars was the first strong evidence that Sag A* was indeed a black hole. At least one star orbits so closely that we can see it redshift as it reaches peribothron.
But we also know that stars should be ever wary of straying too close to the black hole. The closer a star gets to the event horizon of a black hole, the stronger the tidal forces on the star become. There is a point where the tidal forces are so strong a star is ripped apart. We have observed several of these tidal disruption events (TDEs), so we know the threat is very real.

Tidal forces also pose a threat to binary stars. It wouldn’t take much for the tidal pull of a black hole to disrupt binary orbits, causing the stars to separate forever. Tidal forces would also tend to disrupt the formation of binary stars in favor of larger single stars. Therefore astronomers assumed the formation of binary stars near Sagittarius A* wasn’t likely, and even if a binary formed, it wouldn’t last long on cosmic timescales. So astronomers were surprised when they found the binary system known as D9.
The D9 system is young, only about 3 million years old. It consists of one star of about 3 solar masses and the other with a mass about 75% that of the Sun. The orbit of the system puts it within 6,000 AU of Sag A* at its closest approach, which is surprisingly close. Simulations of the D9 system estimate that in about a million years, the black hole’s gravitational influence will cause the two stars to merge into a single star. But even this short lifetime is unexpected, and it shows that the region near a supermassive black hole is much less destructive than we thought.
It’s also pretty amazing that the system was discovered at all. The center of our galaxy is shrouded in gas and dust, meaning that we can’t observe the area in the visible spectrum. We can only see stars in the region with radio and infrared light. The binary stars are too close together for us to identify them individually, so the team used data from the Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph (ERIS) on the ESO’s Very Large Telescope, as well as archive data from the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared (SINFONI). This gave the team data covering a 15-year timespan, which was enough to watch the light of D9 redshift and blueshift as the stars orbit each other every 372 days.
Now that we know the binary system D9 exists, astronomers can look for other binary stars. This could help us solve the mystery of how such systems can form so close to the gravitational beast at the heart of our galaxy.
Peißker, Florian, et al. “A binary system in the S cluster close to the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A.” Nature Communications 15.1 (2024): 10608. ↩︎