
Lists in Hugo 0.58

7 September 2019

This is mainly for my own reference, but as of Hugo 0.58 the code for creating a list of pages has changed a bit. This means you need to use


instead of the old


For example, on my homepage I list the first five posts of each type of page. The old way I did this was

{{ range first 5 (where .Data.Pages "Type" "post") }}
	<a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><p>{{ .Title | markdownify }}</p><hr><p>{{
	$wordcount := countwords .Content}}{{$wordcount}}</p></a>
{{ end }}

In 0.58 that didn’t work, so I had to change it to

{{ range first 5 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "post") }}
	<a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><p>{{ .Title | markdownify }}</p><hr><p>{{
	$wordcount := countwords .Content}}{{$wordcount}}</p></a>
{{ end }}

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle.