Comments on: From Atoms To Everything Brian Koberlein Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:22:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: K.J. Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:56:26 +0000 It might be good to differ between the strong force/strong interaction, and the nuclear force/residual strong force, because its not exactly the same. The strong force is what keeps the quarks together in protons and neutrons. The nuclear force, or residual strong force, is what keeps neutrons and protons together in the nucleus. They do not show the same behaviour. Its a bit like one force with two faces.

Great page, and bonuspoints for not “killing” your visitors with endless advertisings

By: Kristian Tue, 05 Jul 2016 13:37:25 +0000 Brian,

To what extent does the (estimated) age of the universe (~13.8B years) impact the presence (or lack thereof) of anti-matter (presuming our anti-matter detection tools are working correctly). Said another way, what is anti-matter’s interplay with time?

